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Q6:Social construction and community governance
时间:2014-12-12 11:31:54  来源:城市化杂志  作者:文/谭少容 翻译/李虹谕 

  Wuchang Bureau of Civil Affairs: Mr Li Jinkui has mentioned the innovative management to support the revitalization of Tanhualin in his speech.How do we integrate social construction and community governance into the revitalization? And how to integrate all stakeholders into the governance of the community?

  Jinkui Li : I think you have seized the key point of the community governance of bringing in all stakeholders.At the third plenary session of the 18th Central Committee,the general objective in the coming decades is decided to perfect the socialism with Chinese characteristics and to modernize the governance system, which makes governance a key word for the deepening reforms in the future.The reason for the past failed cases of revitalization of old districts is that they were pure government actions without consideration of civilians and other stakeholders involved. But what Tanhualin is doing today is a human-based revitalization which people have a right to choose, and local residents can realize self-governance rather than being governed by authorities.

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