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Q7:Relationship between local residents and tourists
时间:2014-12-12 11:33:42  来源:城市化杂志  作者:文/谭少容 翻译/李虹谕 

  Changjiang News: The revitalization of historical and cultural district should be focused on both architectures and human being.There are two types of architectures, those belonging to cultural heritage category should definitely be protected but what about those with historical value but yet to be recorded as cultural heritage?There are two types of people, local residents and tourists.How do we arrange the local residents and show the human concern for the tourists at the same time? How do we handle the relationship between those two in a harmonious way?

  Jinkui Li : Many other historical and cultural districts have excluded their local residents outside,thus to create another Disneyland for tourists.But the local residents of Tanhualin are still there, thus what the tourists witness there is an alive neighborhood. But whether will tourists affect the daily life of local residents? Are they able to provide enhanced value to the tourists? This is a great question, for many of the old districts in China are out of the possibility to even face this challenge.The difficulty Tanhualin is facing now should be considered as a tremendous treasure at the same time.

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