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Q2:The educational function of Tanhualin
时间:2014-12-12 11:21:23  来源:城市化杂志  作者:文/谭少容 翻译/李虹谕 

  The Education Bureau of Wuchang: We have talked a lot about the cultural function of the revitalization of Tanhualin,but how do we integrate the educational function into this project to make Tanhualin an education base for patriotism education as well as a place for social practice of the students?

  Qitong Xu: I believe there are three ways for us to integrate educational function of Tanhualin.

  Firstly,we should involve our students in the revitalization of Tanhualin by visiting and being educated about the historical and cultural background of this neighborhood so to feel proud and honored;Secondly,we should give an all-around history introduction to the local Wuchang students, helping them to understand who they are and where they come from through the window of Tanhualin;Thirdly,since Tanhualin is the cultural and spiritual essence of our city’s development,what is the background story of this history and who were the actual movers? We shall put all these elements into the education to our students.

  Xiyun Kuang: The revitalization of historical and cultural district is not only an education but also an awakening of awareness to our own history.The educational value also lies in through revitalization by generations.

  Nicolai Peitersen: As far as I am concerned, the educational function should be the center of revitalization.As the new techniques,skills and systems are brought in because of the revitalization, new opportunities for future development will certainly been created to Tanhualin.For it will establish a learning and communication platform for Wuchang district and Wuhan city,which is of great value to this nation.And the establishment of this platform allows more western countries’ students to come to Wuchang to interact and brainstorm with the local students. If we were to protect a historical building, while bringing the advanced ideas from foreign experts, should leave more opportunities to the younger generation to learn to protect their own cultural heritage.This is what I have been advocating that the revitalization of historical and cultural district shall be the best opportunity to educate the younger generation.

  Youyun Zhang: This is a great question.I have always been focused on education, thus I believe we should understand this in a larger perspective rather than classroom study.Nicolai’s speech has mentioned about the Wiki factory,which is supported by the China Youth Development Foundation.Our vision is to build a wiki factory here in Tanhualin, to train our own social entrepreneurs through innovative design,production and sales.People always picture entrepreneurs of owning their own factories and employees,but the new notion we are discussing here is aimed For the public,everyone can participate in the customized production.Also the learning and training platform for innovators and social entrepreneurs will benefit not only Tanhualin  but Wuchang as well as the Wuhan city, which all calls for a deepened understanding of education.During the same time we shall establish a foundation of committee to activate all the stakeholders to participate in the process of training and learning,forming a lifelong learning habit.

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