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Keynote Speech:Youyun Zhang
时间:2014-12-12 11:10:20  来源:城市化杂志  作者:文/谭少容 翻译/李虹谕 


  Youyun Zhang: The passionate applause from the audience is a great proof of the great speech made by Mr Jinkui Li ,thank you again for your input!

  Even though I am a Wuhan local,today is the first time for me to hear such a comprehensive intruduction of the Chinese modern history from Mr Li and to discuss the value of Tanhualin,the importance of Wuchang and Wuhan from a historical angle,which I believe is inspiring to all of us.

  Nicolai was so excited about what he saw in Tanhualin even though he only spent 2 hours here in June.Because he has seen the advantage and value of this district.Now we would like to welcome Mr Nicolai Peitersen to share his view on the historical and cultural districts that are undergoing urbanization and his thoughts about the revitalization of Tanhualin.

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